Term 4 Inquiry - Bean growing

WALT how to grow a plant from a seed.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I will know about having my plant in the light and watering it each day so that it grows well. 

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STUDENT VOICE " My bean is one of the tallest"

Term 4 Physical Education - Ball skills

WALT kick  a ball.SUCCESS CRITERIA I can kick a ball to a target.

STUDENT VOICE I can kick a ball to a target.

Term 4 Swimming

WALT swim freestyle.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  We can use our arms to swim along. 

STUDENT VOICE I can use my arms to swim and kick my legs. 

INQUIRY Term 4 - Potato Growing


WALT play the recorder.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can play the notes B A G C D.

STUDENT VOICE I can play some songs using these notes. my class thinks i am a good singer too. 

Technology Term 3

WALT use recyclable materials to design a toy. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I have created a toy. 

STUDENT VOICE I can make  a toy out of recycling materials.

Term2 magnetism


WALT about magnets.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know about how magnets can be useful.

STUDENT VOICE - know that magnets have two poles - north and south.

Maths Term 2 - Measurement

WALT measure length.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can measure the length of something in centimetres. 

Student Voice - I can tell you how long something is in centimetres. 

Term 2 Inquiry

WALT know  

· * that there are  different kinds of movement - the motion of common objects

·  * that pushes and pulls can make things start or stop moving - the effects of forces on objects
·  about the movement of different sized objects 

   * about the  ways magnets behave

P.E Term 2

WALT throw and catch a ball.

SUCCESS CRITERIA- We can aim at an object and we know to have our hands up ready to catch the ball. 

Student voice" I can throw and kick a ball really well". 

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount  

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I have an introduction snd I tell who,where,when.

I went to the Airforce museum at Wigram  with my class. A man named Chris met us when we got there. He is an airforce man.  We looked at lots of planes and we had a scavenger hunt all around the museum.  Then we went to a classroom and we did some experiments and games.  It was so much fun.

Student Voice " I have an introduction". 

Reading Term 1

WALT use my reading skills to solve crosswords..
SUCCESS CRITERIA; we can read the clues then answer them.

Student Voice - " I can read a crossword clue then put in the right answer". 

Term 1 Physical Education- Swimming

WALT swim using our arms and legs correctly.

Success Criteria - I can use my arms and legs to swim along. 
Student Voice - I can do freestyle with my arms and I can kick with my legs not bent. 

Art Term 1 2015

WALT draw a self portrait with facial features are included, drawn in proportion and correctly placed.