Term 4 Inquiry - Bean growing

WALT how to grow a plant from a seed.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I will know about having my plant in the light and watering it each day so that it grows well. 

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STUDENT VOICE " My bean is one of the tallest"

Term 4 Physical Education - Ball skills

WALT kick  a ball.SUCCESS CRITERIA I can kick a ball to a target.

STUDENT VOICE I can kick a ball to a target.

Term 4 Swimming

WALT swim freestyle.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  We can use our arms to swim along. 

STUDENT VOICE I can use my arms to swim and kick my legs. 

INQUIRY Term 4 - Potato Growing


WALT play the recorder.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can play the notes B A G C D.

STUDENT VOICE I can play some songs using these notes. my class thinks i am a good singer too.